Friday, February 14, 2014

Intrusion of the Camels

I'm happy to announce that the camels' rein has come to an end. We've been wanting to update you all for awhile, but Mom kept saying she had "home work" to do. Not really sure what "home work" is, but she always needed her computer to do it. Well, there's plenty of time to figure that out later. Now, we're gonna celebrate!!!
Baerli and I thought long and hard about our plan of attack for a long time. It all started a couple weeks ago when our little human friend, Paul, came over to play. The big camel snuck into Paul's bag and followed him home, not surprising since they snuck into our Christmas package. While the big camel was gone we had the perfect opportunity to ambush the small camel.
Baerli was the bravest!

But I was brave too!
The camel was filled with this weird, white, fluffy stuff. We weren't sure what to do with it so we kept pulling it out until there was none left. Some of our toys are filled with this white stuff too...hmmmm...that's weird. Anyway, I digress. About a week after the demise of the small camel Mom came home with the BIG CAMEL! I don't know how he's able to get around so easily, that still stumps me. Well, to say that the big camel was terrified is an was just a matter of time before the big camel met the same fate as his friend. While I really want to take credit for the planning of these events, Baerli was really good at the implementation stage. Within a day the big camel was in pieces!!! It was a blood bath in here!!!

Mom was so concerned that we had made a mess...She forgot to thank us for taking care of the camel infestation!
That white stuff really perplexes me, though. Luckily, I was able to save a small sample of the white stuff before Mom cleaned it all up. I don't know what she was so concerned about, we were just trying to protect her. When Dad gets home we'll explain it all to him; I'm sure he'll understand and be very proud. Just know that our mission was accomplished. The rein of the dastardly camels lasted for a period of 22 days before they were defeated...nothing is impossible for the Amazing Canine Duo!

Woof woof and cheers!

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